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Showing posts from September, 2020

Examination Day Or, Examinations

 An examination day is a very hard day for all. We prepare for this day for months and months. We reach the gate of the examinee regarding the probable questions. We talk of the guesses, we talk of our preparations, and so on. The gate opens. We enter the hall. We hunt outs seats for our Roll No and Roll Code. we are guided by some teachers in locating the seats. There is peace in the hall. The invigilators distribute the answer books in time. The questions are distributed just at 10 AM. We stand up and receive the question paper. We start them. Sometimes, We find that the question is very stiff. Then we nervous, but we should not be so. A nervous man can't do anything. We should go through the question paper again and again. Some solution must come out. Nervousness is the worst thing. It does not lead anyone thing anything properly.  We start writing the answer in the name of God. Our Examnation is over at 1. P.M. Before submitting the"answer  books." we revise the answe...

The Bihar of My dream

The Bihar of my Dreams,-every man will have a high moral sense and a deep love for the state. Our state is backward in the field of science and industry. I want Bihar to be a leading state in new technology so that our industries should grow fast. We should produce everything we need. The Bihar of my dream- every man will get a job of his choice. Education will get its due importance. The student will be devoted to their studies, politicians will not be allowed to misuse students. Today we find a big gap between rich and poor. There is corruption in all walks of life. The Bihar of my dream will have social justice. The gap between the rich and poor will be narrowed down. Everybody will get equal opportunity. There will be no shortage of anything. There will be discipline, peace and progress all around. Nationalism will overcome the feelings of casteism and regionalism. There will be "Ram Rajya" in true sense of the term. May God fulfill my dream! =============================...

Indain festival Or , Durga puja

 India is a land of festivals. The Indians celebrate them with great joys. There are festivals like Holi, Diwali, and Durga puja Which are celebrated by the Hindus. Muslims celebrate EID and Muharram. Christians celebrate Easter and Christmas. Of all the festivals of the Hindus, I like Durga puja. It has a spiritual meaning. Worship to goddesses Durga killed Mahishasur Who was a terror to all. This puja shows the victory of Good over Evil. Durga is the symbol of love and hope. Durga puja generally held in October or November. Nature looks very beautiful. The air is cool. It is neither too hot nor too cold. the image is well beautified. The puja continuous for serval days. School,colleges and offices are closed on this occasion. People celebrate the puja With great joy. Children put on new clothes. A fair also is held. children, ladies and grown-up men visit the fair. They make offerings to the goddess Durga. This is celebrated both in towns and in villages. On the Dashmi evening, T...

An Exciting match or A cricket match

 I was watching the match wich was a day match between India and Pakistan, the played a well exciting match for me. Pakistan made 300 runs in 50 overs. India players played well up to 7th player and made 250 runs in 40 overs. Indian players and Capitan were confident to win the match but suddenly in 5 overs the condition of the match changed and two players of India were bowled in only 25 runs and India made 275 runs in 45 overs and had only on wicket and runs were to be scored.i was watching the seriously all the srpctators become silant waiting the result of the match. After 4 over Indain players made 20 runs more and more sore became 295 and only one ball remained and five runs were required ti win the match. I was very excited in that situation. At last Indian players scored six runs and Indian won the match.  I always remember that even. It was really exciting match. ---------------------------------------------------------------THANK YOU----------------------------------...

A Football match

 The Federation Cup Tournament is held every year in India. It was 3rd of December 1994. The final of the football match was held at the salt lake stadium at 6.50 pm. About fifty thousand people had gathered in the stadium to witness the match. Besides, lakes of people saw the match on the TV (TVs) many other heard running commentaries on their radios. Mohan Bagan and East Bengal were in the final. Mohan Bagan had defeated the Mahindra and East Bengal had defeated the Salgaocar team. I also sat in front of the Tv set. A number of people were anxious to witness the match. The referee blew the whistle. Both the teams came to the ground. The player of Mohan Bagan team were dressed in black while the players of the East Bengal team were dressed in white. Both the teams had entered the final several times. The match started at 6.50 pm sharp. The play was really superb. The players of Mohan Bagan played the game according to the Latin American countries. But East Bengal followed the Euro...

My village

 Last week I spent an evening in my village. My village is about 30 km away from Patna. It is on the roadside. Its name is Manipura. I has been to my village with my friends. An Indian village has its own charms. My village is small. The people are mostly farmers. But no one is landless in my village, of  course, some farmers are better off than others. My villagers are hard-working. In daytime, they work in their fields. In the evening they return to their honses and spends the night peacefully. When we reached the village, we found the villagers busy. They were feeding there cattle. Some of them were cleaning the cattle sheds. Some others were bringing water from the wells. There were yet others who were bringing grass for their cattle. An evening in the village is pleasant. There is a peaceful atmosphere all around. Birds are flying about. children are playing. women are getting ready to cook their evening meals. The sun is about to set. cowboys return with their cow. The d...

A journey by Bus

 A journey by bus is generally troublesome in our country. The buses are crowded. They do not run in time. A journey by bus is not comfortable. it is difficult to get a seat on the bus. Only last week I made a journey to Patna By bus. I had my suitcase with me. I went to the Muzaffarpur bu s-stands to catch a bus. When I arrived at the bus stands, I found a large number of passengers standing there. As soon as the bus came, I rushed towards it. I thought that I standing there would not be able to find a seat, anyhow I entered the bus. In a few minutes, the bus was full. Even Then passengers went on coming in. some stood at the door. A good number of them sat on the roof of the bus. I had booked my ticket. The bus after some time. It was the month of August. We were in great trouble. The bus was so crowded that we were not getting fresh air to breathe. We felt suffocated. Some of the passengers were talking loudly. A few of them were smoking. it was very difficult to sit inside the ...

Your hobby

 Every man has some hobby or the other. A hobby means an object of personal interest apart from ones daily life of routine. We do not cultivate a hobby for profit. It is necessary for us to have some hobbies of our own. we are not machines. We cannot always go on working for profit. There is the proverb, "all work and no play makes jack a dully boys".If we go on working all the time,our life will become dull. All of us want o get out of such a dull life. in fact there is time to work,and there is also time to relax. We need some hobby to remove dullness and to create interest in life. There are different kinds of hobbies. The important among them are gardening, fishing,reading books, photography or painting, music,collecting stamps and others. of all these popular hobbies, I like stamps-collecting most.  i like to collect stamps scientifically. I started this collection first when I was Now, I purchase stamps of different countries from time to time. My collection is not cost...

Your favourite leader or the leader you like most

 There are many leader in the history of our country. But I like Mahatma Gandhi most. He is called the 'father of the nation'. He was one of the greatest man of the world.     Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October , 1869 in Gujrat. His father Kaba  Gandhi . was the dewan of Rajkot. Mahatma Gandhi was a student of average merit. He was very poor in English and geometry. He went to England for a degree in law. He returned in India 1891. He began his career as a lawyer in Mumbai. He went to South Africa also. He did a lot for the Indians there.    Gandhiji's real political career started in India. He visit champaran in Bihar. Under his leadership, the freedom movement got a new life and direction. Gandhiji was exprement with truth and non-violence. Gandhiji broughts hindus and Muslim close to each other. He started his non-co-operation movement in 1920. In 1942 the famous quit India "  movement was started Gandhiji did a lot for the welfare of harijan...


 Sometimes students have to live in hostels. There is a great difference between home life and hostel life . At home a student is free. He is under the care and supervision of his parents. They try to give him all necessary comforts. Such comfort and affection cannot be found in hostels. In hostels ,a student gets more freedom than what he gets at home. He also gets lots of facilities which help him in the all-round development of his personality.                   Hostel life has its joys. A student enjoys lots of freedom. A hostel is run by a school or college. it is under the supervision of a hostel superintendent.  He looks after the students. He also goes round the hostel to see how the student behave.                 Freedom gives a sense of joy to students in hostels. They learn a number of virtues here. They have ti get up early in the morning. They have to read during the study period...

your (my ) Aim in life

 A man without aim in life cannot be treated as human being . His life is just like a bike without break . He cannot attain success in life.Every man must have some definite aim in life. But all our desire cannot be fulfilled in life . There are many problem in life , too . But a man should not be disappointed .      He should try hard to succeed. He must have hope and confident .     I don't know what will happen to me .But I want to become an engineer. this is the aim of my life . I want serve the nation by becoming an engineer. We know that India is free. We have many plants and projects for the development of the country .     India is rich in natural resources . But we do not use them properly . It is  because we have no trined hand in adequate numbers . our country needs more and more wells trained engineers and technician. I shall try to do whatever a little bit i can do for the country .   The main aim of my life is to serve the ...

Might is right

 Bold and mighty persons have always dominated over the weak and distressed people. 'Might is right ' is a proverb which is commonly used for those persons who thinks themselves to be the most superior i.e. superior to other persons in all respects . They expect to obey them (their order ) without any objection in this regard. they often become violent in case , anybody dony to accept their subordination . Weak and poor persons are being victimised and tortured by these heartless men . There are many examples in the history , of the cruelty and barbarism by such dictators ,Who do not know about 'ravana' , kansa ', 'hitlar' and many others for their anarchy and nefarious Act? Those dark days in history cannot be forgotten.                     "Might is right " is against the spnit of democracy and peaceful co-existence.

Failures are the pillars of success

 Life is full of problems (bunle of problems) . One has to pass through many ups and downs during his life is time . Men have to face failures in their efforts to achieve the mission . but nobody should be disheartened in this regard , it is really a bring fact that failures are the pillars of success .All great men had to face frustion in the beginning but it had not discouraged them. They continued their effort and never been disappointed.At last they became successful in their efforts . Nepoleon had once told that there is nothing impossible in life in the word and ' impossible 'word is only found in the dictionary of fools.                                                                                                       ...

unity is strenth

 "unity is strenth' is a fact when we talk of unity , we talk of to come together. Word 'unity' is formed from the word 'union' , which means to come closer with a view to work unitedly. there are many advantages in being united. For Example a stick can be easily broken into pieces , But it can not be done with a bundle sticks.         Serious problems may be easily solved if we work collectively. joint efforts is highly required to help the poor , distressed and needy persons.  Nobody would dare to attack if we are united . Nothing is impossible , if we work together .

Rising prices

prices are touching the sky these day they called inflation of the GDP . Several factors have contributed to the rise in prices . The devaluation of money is the first cause of prices. the devaluation affects purchasing power of money . Naturally , people have to face the crisis created by the rise in price .                          Black marketers and hoarders are also responsible for rise in price . Some businessmen hoard essential commodities of daily use . A state of artificial commodities at fancy price .                         Rise in prices has affected the people of the middle class society and lower class society . there is only one wage - earner and he has to support all the members of his family with his scanty income. they people of the lower class-society do not get wages in proportion to their labour. such people are the worst victims of rising pri...


 Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone . Men of similar dispositions are naturally attracted towards each other. In course of time ,intimacy grows between them. They begin to trust each other. This is called friendship. Friendship , generally , grows between persons of the same age and dispositions . They have similar passions emotions and sentiments. This is why , generally , people of the same age turn into friends. friend ship is both good necessary . A man cannot pass his days all alone. In the company of friends ,people pass their days cheerfully. They do not feel the rigours of life. in distress , friendship help one other. in happy days, they share the joy of one other. thus , a friends is the sharer of both joys and woes.                                                                       ...

A letter word- meaning -1

 1. Abck - पी छे 2.back - पीछे 3. abandon - किसी के ऊपर छोड़ देना 4. Give up - छोड़ देना 5. Abandonment - पुद परित्याग 6. Abate - काम करना 7. Abatement- कमी 8. Abbreviatek- छोटा करना 9. Abbreviation -  किसी सब्ड या वाक्य को छोटा करना 10. Abide - जारी रखना 11. Abiding -  साथाई 12. Ability -  योग्यता, कौशल 13. Abject -  निकम्मा 14. ably - योग्यताओं के आनुसर 15. Abnegate -  अपने को बंचित करना 16. Abnegation -  त्याग 17. Abnormal -  अनियमित 18. Aboard -  जहाज 19. Abode -  निवास स्थान 20. Abolish -  समाप्त करना 21. Abomination -  गंदी कार्य या आदत 22. Abortion -  गर्फपात 23. Above -  ऊपर 24. Abridgement -  छोटा , कमी 25. Abrupt -  आचनक 26. Absence - अनुपस्थिति 27. Absent -  खोया हुआ सा 28. Absentee - गयाब होने वाला 29. Absolutely -  पुद रूप से 30. Absorb -  सोखना 31. Absorption -  तल्लीनता 32. Abstract - संरंश 33. Absurd -  असंगत 34. Abuse -  अप सबद कहना 35. Accede -  सविकर करना...


 Life is full of problems ( bunle of problems). One has to pass through many ups and downs during his life time . Men have to face failures in their efforts to achieve the mission. But nobody should be disheartened in this regard. It is really a burning fact that failures are the pillars of success All great men had to face frustration in the beginning but it had not discouraged them . They continued their efforts and never been disappointed. At last , they became  successful in their efforts . Napoleon had once told that there is nothing impossible in the world and IMPOSSIBLE word is only found in the dictionary of fools.                                                                                  If a student fails in the examination he must make efforts to pass the exa...

What is GDP (full details )

GDP full name is = GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT  GDP in simple term definition = GDP is fully depend on product is the total monetary or market value of all the finished good and service produced within a country's bonders in a specific time period .                                                                                                                      it is the monetary value of all final goods and service produced in a country in a year.                                                                 ...