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Rising prices

prices are touching the sky these day they called inflation of the GDP . Several factors have contributed to the rise in prices . The devaluation of money is the first cause of prices. the devaluation affects purchasing power of money . Naturally , people have to face the crisis created by the rise in price .
                         Black marketers and hoarders are also responsible for rise in price . Some businessmen hoard essential commodities of daily use . A state of artificial commodities at fancy price .
                        Rise in prices has affected the people of the middle class society and lower class society . there is only one wage - earner and he has to support all the members of his family with his scanty income. they people of the lower class-society do not get wages in proportion to their labour. such people are the worst victims of rising prices.

Rising prices have made life miserable. people have to toil hard round the clock to make both ends meet. they are always haunted by cares and worries.
                        Rise in price is undermining moral stamina of the society . Hungry and naked, some children fail prey to the evil of exploitation . young men land themselves in prison to fulfil their bare needs . poor girl have to walk the street. hardly young men, insteadof being the sentinels of the country , turn criminal. 
                        unless the rise in prices is cheked by the government , society will continue to be the hot -bed of corruption. The government should control the activities of the hoarder with an iron hand.


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