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Indain festival Or , Durga puja

 India is a land of festivals. The Indians celebrate them with great joys. There are festivals like Holi, Diwali, and Durga puja Which are celebrated by the Hindus. Muslims celebrate EID and Muharram. Christians celebrate Easter and Christmas.

Of all the festivals of the Hindus, I like Durga puja. It has a spiritual meaning. Worship to goddesses Durga killed Mahishasur Who was a terror to all. This puja shows the victory of Good over Evil. Durga is the symbol of love and hope.

Durga puja generally held in October or November. Nature looks very beautiful. The air is cool. It is neither too hot nor too cold. the image is well beautified. The puja continuous for serval days. School,colleges and offices are closed on this occasion.

People celebrate the puja With great joy. Children put on new clothes. A fair also is held. children, ladies and grown-up men visit the fair. They make offerings to the goddess Durga. This is celebrated both in towns and in villages. On the Dashmi evening, The images are taken to a river or pond and are immersed in the water.

Durga puja is a religious festival. It is deeply rooted in Indian life and culture. It is one of the most important Indian festivals.

----------------------------------------------------------------THANK YOU-------------------------------------


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