An examination day is a very hard day for all. We prepare for this day for months and months. We reach the gate of the examinee regarding the probable questions. We talk of the guesses, we talk of our preparations, and so on. The gate opens. We enter the hall. We hunt outs seats for our Roll No and Roll Code. we are guided by some teachers in locating the seats. There is peace in the hall. The invigilators distribute the answer books in time. The questions are distributed just at 10 AM. We stand up and receive the question paper. We start them. Sometimes, We find that the question is very stiff. Then we nervous, but we should not be so. A nervous man can't do anything. We should go through the question paper again and again. Some solution must come out. Nervousness is the worst thing. It does not lead anyone thing anything properly. We start writing the answer in the name of God. Our Examnation is over at 1. P.M. Before submitting the"answer books." we revise the answe...
The Bihar of my Dreams,-every man will have a high moral sense and a deep love for the state. Our state is backward in the field of science and industry. I want Bihar to be a leading state in new technology so that our industries should grow fast. We should produce everything we need. The Bihar of my dream- every man will get a job of his choice. Education will get its due importance. The student will be devoted to their studies, politicians will not be allowed to misuse students. Today we find a big gap between rich and poor. There is corruption in all walks of life. The Bihar of my dream will have social justice. The gap between the rich and poor will be narrowed down. Everybody will get equal opportunity. There will be no shortage of anything. There will be discipline, peace and progress all around. Nationalism will overcome the feelings of casteism and regionalism. There will be "Ram Rajya" in true sense of the term. May God fulfill my dream! =============================...